Posts with the category “sin”

You Become What You Worship
by John Kelley on July 3rd, 2024
You’ve probably heard, “You are what you eat.” I’d take it a step further and say, “You become what you worship.”  Read More
It's Not Ours
by John Kelley on July 2nd, 2024
One of the flaws of greed is the feeling that we are defined by what we have; better houses, cars, jobs, and social standing. Jesus tells us that these do not define us.  Read More
Chocolate Eclairs Won’t Save You
by John Kelley on June 19th, 2024
One of the most dangerous aspects of gluttony is idolatry. We turn food into something more than the fuel for our bodies that it was designed to be.   Read More
Food Is A Terrible Counselor
by John Kelley on June 18th, 2024
Food is not your psychologist, your life coach, or your treatment program. It’s there to feed your body what it needs to live. When it goes beyond that and becomes our savior, it begins to take the place of our true Savior, Jesus.  Read More
We Can Be Like God
by John Kelley on June 12th, 2024
...pride then leads us to a need for power to have control over those who are of less worth. We are not God, but that very desire to be equal to Him has been around since before the earth.  Read More
Rich Beyond Measure
by John Kelley on June 11th, 2024
This is what the lust of money does to us. It closes our hands. Instead of holding them open and allowing God to use our funds, we keep them tightly closed to prevent any of them from going away.  Read More
Walk By The Spirit
by John Kelley on June 10th, 2024
What would make someone throw away years of a Godly marriage and ruin the lives of three beautiful children? Lust. It’s been one of Satan’s favorite weapons against humanity for thousands of years.  Read More
Don't Hurt Yourself
by John Kelley on June 5th, 2024
Pride is really the opposite of humility. While humility says, “I will treat others as better than myself,” pride says, “I am better.” This is the inherent evil of pride.  Read More
When I Think I’m God
by John Kelley on June 3rd, 2024
We need to decide where we stand on pride. We can’t let it direct our path. It only leads to one place.  Read More
Our Sacrifice Is Nothing....
by John Kelley on May 20th, 2024
God loves His creation so much that even the sacrifice of His own Son wasn’t off the table when it came to redemption. We are the fortunate recipients of a gift we’ve never earned or deserved.  Read More
The Winning Team
by John Kelley on May 17th, 2024
There is nothing we can do to earn salvation. Our sin casts a shadow far too dark for our works to shed light on it. Only the blood of Jesus can do that. However, what we do matters for eternity.  Read More
Absence Is True Punishment
by John Kelley on May 15th, 2024
The single greatest part of Heaven will be the physical presence of God. Hell is the polar opposite. There is no presence of God.  Read More
We'll Live Forever
by John Kelley on May 13th, 2024
Eternity. Want to make your head spin and get a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach? Try to think about eternity. Even better, try to comprehend eternity.  Read More
The Mob
by John Kelley on April 25th, 2024
How can we play prosecutor if we are guilty as well? We all want grace when it comes to our sin, but are we willing to extend that to others?  Read More
The Mob
by John Kelley on April 25th, 2024
How can we play prosecutor if we are guilty as well? We all want grace when it comes to our sin, but are we willing to extend that to others?  Read More
I Forgive You
by John Kelley on April 22nd, 2024
God’s grace is more accessible than we can possibly understand, but we need to understand that it is very, very real. God chose to give it to us even though we don’t deserve it.  Read More
We Need To Claim Our Prize
by John Kelley on April 10th, 2024
God has prepared a place for us, and we NEED to accept the invitation. He wants His house full, but he wants it full of people who want to be there.  Read More
Redemption Has A Price
by John Kelley on April 9th, 2024
Our redemption is not a short story. It’s not a quick read, a YouTube short, or a TikTok. It is a layered story that took generations and millennia to happen. Along the way, there have been challenges, battles, and death. There have also been numerous victories, but understand that our redemption has come at a price.  Read More
I Do What I Hate
by John Kelley on April 6th, 2024
Christ’s sacrifice became the bridge that connected the chasm we’ve created and gave us access back to God. Now, we have the ability to follow the Spirit’s leading and find ourselves no longer condemned but adopted.  Read More
Pride Comes Before the Fall
by John Kelley on April 4th, 2024
Our perspective should be this, God blesses so we bless God. This leaves no room for pride or the need for power. There is only one God. I’m so thankful that’s not me.   Read More
Wandering In Disobedience
by John Kelley on April 3rd, 2024
When God calls us to something, we need to respond with only one answer, “Yes Lord.” When we avoid our calling, we are avoiding the best possible life God could offer us. Remember, his wisdom trumps ours every time.  Read More
Distraction Leads to Cover-Up
by John Kelley on April 2nd, 2024
As I’m sure we all know, we can try our best to cover up our sin, but it usually takes more sin to cover up that initial sin. Deception quickly becomes the pattern and we find ourselves in a very dark place.  Read More
Sin Is Real
by John Kelley on April 1st, 2024
Why did He have to rise though? Why did He have to die on a cross? Why did he have to suffer beatings, mockery, and an unfair trial? Sin. If there was no sin, there’s no need for the cross. Without sin, there’s no need for a savior. Without sin, we’re good to go.  Read More




