Posts with the category “pride”

Choose a Side
by John Kelley on August 28th, 2024
God isn’t Santa Clause, a genie in a bottle, or a wishing stone. God doesn’t exist for our benefit. God is God. We need to stop acting like He has to obey our every whim and understand that His ways are better than our ways.  Read More
Power is a Drug
by John Kelley on August 26th, 2024
Here’s the funny thing about power. In order to satisfy that hunger, you have to have more than the others around you. Otherwise, you don’t really have power, because others don’t have to bow to you.  Read More
by John Kelley on August 21st, 2024
Discipline is one of those things that isn’t fun to talk about, but it is so important in the life of a disciple. Notice, the root of “discipline” is “disciple”.  Read More
Our God Is Not Our Stomach
by John Kelley on June 17th, 2024
Gluttony is the sin no one likes talking about, and that is for good reason. It is the sin that has become acceptable in the Church.  Read More
We Can Be Like God
by John Kelley on June 12th, 2024
...pride then leads us to a need for power to have control over those who are of less worth. We are not God, but that very desire to be equal to Him has been around since before the earth.  Read More
Don't Hurt Yourself
by John Kelley on June 5th, 2024
Pride is really the opposite of humility. While humility says, “I will treat others as better than myself,” pride says, “I am better.” This is the inherent evil of pride.  Read More
Pride Won't Save You
by John Kelley on June 4th, 2024
Many of us find ourselves wanting to “get back” at people. We want to make sure they understand how they wronged us. In today’s political climate, we see left vs. right, conservative vs. liberal, and big city vs. rural all the time. Rarely do we see grace.   Read More
When I Think I’m God
by John Kelley on June 3rd, 2024
We need to decide where we stand on pride. We can’t let it direct our path. It only leads to one place.  Read More




