Posts with the category “spiritual-disciplines”

Food Is A Terrible Counselor
by John Kelley on June 18th, 2024
Food is not your psychologist, your life coach, or your treatment program. It’s there to feed your body what it needs to live. When it goes beyond that and becomes our savior, it begins to take the place of our true Savior, Jesus.  Read More
Our God Is Not Our Stomach
by John Kelley on June 17th, 2024
Gluttony is the sin no one likes talking about, and that is for good reason. It is the sin that has become acceptable in the Church.  Read More
The Heart Of Service
by John Kelley on March 29th, 2024
Our service has an end goal. We are to make disciples. Our service has one source. That is Christ Jesus. Our service comes from one place, worship. When the day comes that we finally get to receive the very thing we have lived our lives for and our hope is made complete, worship will still be there.  Read More
Disciples Are Made, Not Grown
by John Kelley on March 28th, 2024
A disciple is easily broken down as someone who is following Jesus, being changed by Jesus and is committed to the mission of Jesus. Notice, that there are no Bible College degrees in there. There’s nothing about putting in years of service. It doesn’t say that you have to have half the Bible memorized. Instead, we are to go, share, and do life.  Read More
Care For The Bride
by John Kelley on March 27th, 2024
One of the biggest reasons why we serve in the Church is because we are to care for Christ’s bride. He’s now preparing a place for her and will return to take her with Him. It’s our responsibility to get her ready.  Read More
One Body, Many Parts
by John Kelley on March 26th, 2024
Each of us has a place in the church where we can serve, but not everyone has the same giftedness. While some have the “out front” gifts; public speaking, musical talent, and the ability to teach and preach, most will serve behind the scenes. That’s what really makes the Church thrive.  Read More
In His Service
by John Kelley on March 25th, 2024
Christ served right up until death. He knew His life would be short-lived. He knew His ministry wouldn’t last even half a decade. That didn’t sway Him from giving every ounce of everything He had to serve His Father. In just a few short years, Jesus started a revolution that became a movement that became the Church.  Read More
by John Kelley on March 22nd, 2024
A passion that is led by sin though; perverted sexuality, greed, power, and jealousy can also attract us to what we think is warmth, but those fires burn out of control. We suddenly find ourselves burning up with our sin and it’s killing us spiritually.  Read More
Love First
by John Kelley on March 21st, 2024
It’s not a suggestion to love. It’s a command. If we are to love like Jesus did, we will find ourselves in some very unenviable situations. There will be times of discomfort. Awkwardness will happen often. Yet, despite all of that, when we learn to love like Christ, we see people differently.   Read More
Stories Matter
by John Kelley on March 20th, 2024
Our testimony is a powerful thing. People who do not read the Bible will rarely be impressed by your knowledge of scripture. They definitely won’t be moved by it. Your testimony, however, the story of how God rescued you and brought you out of death and into life, that story will move them.  Read More
Let Their No Be No
by John Kelley on March 19th, 2024
The cost of discipleship is great. If you’ve been a believer for any significant time, you know this. To ask someone to be willing to give up their life as they know it and follow after Christ is a huge decision, and it’s one that each person needs to make for themselves. Unfortunately, many people will never get that chance, because someone makes that decision for them without them even knowing.   Read More
Why Should We Go?
by John Kelley on March 18th, 2024
It’s obvious that Jesus wanted us to tell the world about Him and His Father, but what does that look like for us today? I would dare say if we took Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8 to heart, we would get a very clear picture of what God has called us to do.  Read More
Enough Is Enough
by John Kelley on March 15th, 2024
If the human body doesn’t prove that there has to be a God, I’m not sure what else does. It is the most intricate of creations. Everything works within systems to keep your health running optimally. Each organ works to provide for the rest of the body. It isn’t an accident.  Read More
Share The Load
by John Kelley on March 14th, 2024
We try to keep such a breakneck pace going that we eventually crash and burn. We tell ourselves we can handle it, but we know that’s not true. We start to get short with the ones we love out of frustration. We drop the ball on things that we can’t keep up with. We begin losing relationships with people we care about because we don’t have the time to invest in the relationship. We’re a bunch of control freaks who want to have control of our time but find ourselves losing control because of it.  Read More
Do You Lent?
by John Kelley on March 13th, 2024
If we are truly wanting to identify with Christ, then we need to realize that, when we entered into the waters of baptism, we were putting to death the old self and coming out a new creation. We are now no longer about ourselves. We are to live as though Christ Himself is making our decisions. Our desires need to become His desires. Our love should be like His.  Read More
Do We Fast Poorly?
by John Kelley on March 12th, 2024
We allow ourselves to be led by our stomachs, our eyes, and our desires far too much, and we lose focus on what is right in front of us. God sees a much bigger picture than we do, and He’s leading us by His Holy Spirit to greater things than what we see ourselves doing.  Read More
Sometimes, You Just Abstain
by John Kelley on March 11th, 2024
As fellow believers, we need to urge each other on to a holier way of living and build each other up.  Read More
Disciple You
by John Kelley on March 1st, 2024
There’s a lot of talk these days about self-care. That’s exactly what scripture memorization is all about. When we fill our minds with God’s Word, we are putting high-octane fuel into our souls. Not only does this kind of self-care help us defend our faith, but it also gives us the confidence to actually do it.  Read More
Start With the Basics
by John Kelley on February 29th, 2024
As advanced a society as we are, we should have a greater understanding of God’s Word and have large quantities stored up in our brains. We have so many tools at our disposal, but we don’t really take advantage of those tools.  Read More
What You Remember Most Matters Most
by John Kelley on February 28th, 2024
When our minds are centered on Christ, we learn how to focus on the things above, and not the things here on Earth. There becomes this sense of urgency to devour anything that we can when it comes to God’s Word and gaining more of His knowledge.  Read More
Do You Have A Game Plan?
by John Kelley on February 27th, 2024
Scripture is light, life-giving, and food for our souls. Without it, we won’t make it in this world. We need to view the word of God like we do air or water. If we go too long without it, we’ll die spiritually, and if that’s the case, we need a plan in place to get our sustenance.  Read More
God’s Word Is A Weapon
by John Kelley on February 26th, 2024
Nowadays, it’s considered an archaic form of teaching by many. Why worry about memorizing scripture when you have the Bible with you all day on your phone? This line of thinking is dangerous.  Read More
A Simple Message
by John Kelley on February 23rd, 2024
Without the blood of the Lamb, we cannot be saved. The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, is the only way to the Father. Because we have sinned, we need a savior. God sends His only Son to be that Savior. If we believe in Him, we are saved. Is there a more simple message?  Read More
The Great Purge
by John Kelley on February 22nd, 2024
When “things” become so important that we can’t let go of them, we need to step back and take inventory of what’s most important. We need to ask the question, “Why do I need this so badly?” For many of us, we’ll say things like, “I don’t want to be wasteful.” or “I may need this in the future.” The reality is we’re creeping toward idolatry.  Read More
Slow Down
by John Kelley on February 21st, 2024
We want to get that promotion at work so we work a ton of overtime and neglect our families. We get into bad, sedentary habits like watching too much TV and playing too many video games neglecting our health. This is a tough one to say, but we get so involved with our church that we aren’t focusing on our own children enough, and they slip from their faith.  Read More
Only Take What You Need
by John Kelley on February 20th, 2024
God will provide for our needs. When we place our full trust in God, he will take care of us. We shouldn’t fear whether or not our daily needs are being provided. God is very clear about this.  Read More
Let’s Keep It Simple
by John Kelley on February 19th, 2024
We should never find value in what we have. Instead, our value should be in how God values us. He doesn’t value us by the size of our paycheck. He doesn’t puff out his chest when we buy that house we can barely afford. The kind of riches He has for us far outweigh these physical things.  Read More
Four Hands Are Better Than Two
by John Kelley on February 16th, 2024
As we go about our lives, we are to continually seek out opportunities to tell people about the Gospel. He wanted them to help people recognize the sin in their life, and realize the need for a Savior. The kicker is, they were not expected to do this alone.  Read More
Group Conversations With God
by John Kelley on February 15th, 2024
Jesus Christ Himself is there with us when we gather in His name. When we are praying together, the Son of God joins in with us. How amazing is that?  Read More
Breaking Bread Together
by John Kelley on February 14th, 2024
The people we spend the most time with tend to be the people who affect WHO we are the most. It’s no wonder that God would want us around each other in the Church as much as possible.  Read More
Devoted To The Word
by John Kelley on February 13th, 2024
One of the best ways to grow in community with others is to get into the word with a close-knit group of people who will hold each other accountable. The early Church understood this, and that’s why they were growing so rapidly. People are not made to be alone, and there’s an innate need and desire to be in community with others.  Read More
We Need Each Other
by John Kelley on February 12th, 2024
Before there was sin, there was community. Before there was worship, there was community. Before a single song was ever sung to God, before cities, countries, and empires, there was community. God had a plan and community was at the front of it.  Read More
Time Is NOT On My Side
by John Kelley on February 9th, 2024
The best ability we have is availability. When we schedule God out of our day, we can’t expect Him to sit around and wait for us. The Bible isn’t our story. It’s God’s story, and He allows us to play a part in it.  Read More
It's All His Anyway
by John Kelley on February 8th, 2024
In order to be good stewards of what we have, we have to understand that it was never ours to begin with. We are only managing our Father’s property. Everything we have, everything we are, everything we do belongs to God.   Read More
Filling the Need When We See It
by John Kelley on February 7th, 2024
We won’t always just walk up on opportunities. Many times, we need to be searching them out. Look for places to fill needs. Ask someone what’s out there. We should always be willing to be good stewards of our blessings when the moment arrives, but we should also be diligent in looking for ways that God can use our resources.  Read More
Can Stewardship Be Scary?
by John Kelley on February 6th, 2024
Even though our pay for the month was abysmal, we would be fine as long as we continued to trust in God. One of the ways we do that is by being a good steward of what God has given us. Even though we only got $30 that month, we were still going to tithe from it.   Read More
With Great Blessing Comes Great Responsibility
by John Kelley on February 5th, 2024
So we need to decide, “How do I take what God has given me and glorify Him?” Is it through my gifting? Is it through my finances? Is it through my time? What has God given you that is unique to you? There may be a reason why you have that gift.  Read More
God Is Not Santa Claus
by John Kelley on February 2nd, 2024
Are we like that with God? Do we want Him to just be all about us? In our twisted version of God, do we really just want Him to give us our every desire and shut his mouth so He can focus on what we’re saying? I don’t think that’s how God works, and I don’t want Him to.  Read More
We All Need Space
by John Kelley on February 1st, 2024
There was an artistic hand involved in the creation of everything around me. There was an intrinsic beauty that couldn't be explained by a big bang or random evolution. I was in the midst of a masterpiece created by the Master Himself.  Read More
We Make Our Own Noise
by John Kelley on January 31st, 2024
God is a provider. He makes sure our NEEDS are met. We just need to trust him. It's so easy to see what's going on in our lives and think that God just isn't there. Let me assure you. God is there. He's never left.   Read More




