Getting Started

Things to do before we start: 
  • Select a time and place away from distractions
  • Choose the items you'll need:
    • A Bible
    • Pen
    • Journal? 
    • app or computer? 
  • Begin to pray,  "God, I am willing to be obedient. Help me know you more." 

Think about:

Who can I share what I learn with? 

Comment below how you plan to do this study? On the app or through the website?


Jon - December 26th, 2022 at 3:33pm

I'll be doing this study using the app!

Trina - December 31st, 2022 at 9:14am

I will be doing this study using the app.

Courtney Bailey - January 1st, 2023 at 4:13pm

My husband and I will be joining through the app!

Kate Smith - January 1st, 2023 at 10:32pm

Josh & I are excited and ready! I’m doing a 40 day fast with my small group. Total 24 hour fasting on Mondays and no fast food/restaurants, no snacking between meals, and no nail biting for 40 days! The past two times our group has done no added sugar for 40 days. This time brought so much clarity and closeness to Jesus!




