Encountering Jesus- Grace and Truth

Jun 9, 2024    Jon Welch

In his sermon, "Grace & Truth", Pastor Jon delves into the often-controversial passage of John 7:53-8:11, a segment that frequently appears in brackets with a notation of its absence in the earliest manuscripts. Jon insists on the accuracy and reliability of God's Word, drawing attention to the intrinsic value of the manuscripts and the importance of appreciating their historical context, rather than simply numbering them. He elaborates on the preservation of manuscripts over time, and the traditional practice of making copies as the originals faded.The sermon takes a closer look at the particular text and its possible positioning by author John, to underline the escalating disputes between Jesus and his opponents. Despite the existing discussions around its chronological setting, Jon affirms that scholars widely agree on its authenticity. The sermon then shifts its focus to the depiction of the interaction between Jesus and the adulterous woman, and the Pharisees' plot to ambush him.In the unfolding narrative, Jesus responds to the Pharisees' reminder of Moses's law that necessitates the stoning of the woman, by challenging those devoid of sin to cast the first stone. The accusers, stricken by their guilty consciences, retreat one by one. Jesus then absolves the woman, admonishing her to sin no more. Jon emphasizes the role of grace and truth in Jesus's reaction, suggesting that although grace is handed without reserve, it does not serve as a license to sin or overlook personal responsibility. Instead, it should prompt repentance and a strong urge to adhere to God's likes.Ending his sermon, Pastor Jon inspires listeners to embrace and display grace while treating sin with seriousness. He motivates them to believe in the boundless potential of God's forgiveness and to reflect grace and forgiveness to the world, thereby underlining the significant role of grace and truth. Jon's sermon not only demystifies the disputed passage in John's Gospel but also underscores the necessity of a respectful, understanding approach to the scriptures, balanced with a passion for living by God's Word.