The Spiritual Games: Finding Security and Hope in Jesus

Jul 21, 2024    John Kelley

Dear Leesburg Christian Church Family,

I hope this finds you well and filled with the peace of Christ. Yesterday, we delved into the profound truth that Jesus is our Good Shepherd, offering us security and hope. We explored John 10:22-42, where Jesus declares, "I and the Father are one," emphasizing His divine nature and the unbreakable protection He provides to His followers.

We also reflected on the historical context of the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) and how the Jewish rebels' unwavering faith in God during the Maccabean Revolt serves as an inspiring example for us today. Just as they found security and hope in God, we too are called to place our trust in Jesus.

Here are a few questions to help you apply the message in your daily life:

In what areas of your life do you need to trust Jesus more fully as your Good Shepherd?

How can you actively seek to know Jesus better, so you can recognize His voice and follow Him more closely?

What steps can you take this week to invest in your relationship with Christ, ensuring that your security and hope are firmly rooted in Him?

Our memory verse for this week is John 10:28-29 (ESV):

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand."

Application Challenge:

This week, I challenge you to spend intentional time in prayer and scripture, seeking to deepen your relationship with Jesus. Reflect on the areas where you need to trust Him more and take practical steps to surrender those areas to His care. Additionally, consider sharing your faith journey with a friend or family member, encouraging them to find their security and hope in Christ as well.

Remember, there is no adventure like the adventure of following after Christ, and there is no reward like the reward we receive when we invest ourselves into God's kingdom.



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